Action on The Catchment in a Meaningful Collaboration

18 October 2022

Indonesia Water Coalition (IWC) proudly present the publication of IWC to grow awareness of the need for joint action between major water users, government, and communities at the catchment level. The so-called first movers on water stewardship often have to invest substantial resources and time to implement sustainable water management practices. A prominent example is the collection of access to accurate water data and risk assessment tools at the catchment level, which is often lacking.

The Indonesia Water Coalition, a multi-stakeholder partnership of leading public, private and other actors with the common objective of actively supporting the civil society and government in achieving water security and sustainability of the water resources, acknowledge this ongoing concern and its impact on informed decision-making on business resilience towards climate change and water security. However, IWC members also believe opportunities exist to reduce this risk and create shared benefits for all water users, especially when key stakeholders in the catchment collaborate in meaningful joint action.

The Indonesia Water Coalition members are PT Coca-Cola Indonesia, PT Danone Indonesia, Global Water Partnership Southeast Asia (GWPSEA), PT LÓreal Indonesia, PT Multi Bintang Indonesia, PT Nestle Indonesia, PT Unilever Indonesia, Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara (YKAN), and Yayasan Aliansi Wali Sumber Daya Air Indonesia (Water Stewardship Indonesia), have a shared objective to actively work towards water security and sustainable management of water resources through collective action.

The Coalition aims to build a movement led by the private sector, with the capacity and commitment to act on and contribute to the complex water challenges in Java. It aims to create a platform for collaboration and ignite the participation of other water users.

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This promotional publication is supported by Water Stewardship Asia-Pacific and Australian Water Partnership.
