AWS Spotlight on Indonesia: Driving Good Water Stewardship in Landscape & Jurisdictional Approaches in Palm Oil & Natural Rubber

19 March 2021

AWS Spotlight on Indonesia: Driving Good Water Stewardship in Landscape & Jurisdictional Approaches in Palm Oil & Natural Rubber webinar is the first AWS Spotlight webinar of the ISEAL Innovations Fund project 2020-2022 ‘Boosting sustainability practice and performance at the landscape level through good water stewardship'.

There is a growing need for strengthening jurisdictional and landscape approaches and sustainability standards on water, as water as an asset isn’t valued sufficiently which is leading to overlooked risks. This relevance and urgency for strengthening jurisdictional and landscape approaches and standards on water, and to pilot this in the context of Indonesia.

Driven by the intrinsic principles of the AWS Standard to work at catchment scale, and recognising the strengths of Roundtable on Sustainable Palm OilGlobal Platform For Sustainable Natural Rubber and Lingkar Temu Kabupaten Lestari Secretariat, and bringing together two globally traded commodities in the landscape, palm oil and natural rubber, this project will focus on developing practical means to strengthening inclusion and uptake of good water stewardship in guidance documents, tools and performance measurement.

In this first webinar will introducing the project to Alliance for Water Stewardship members and partners interested in or working on landscape and jurisdictional approaches, particularly in agriculture, and creating awareness and interest from a wider audience of leading players in jurisdictional and landscape approaches to introduce our focus on water stewardship as part of these.

In this webinar

  • Our project with its main objectives and activities, short- and long-term goals on water stewardship in landscape and jurisdictional approaches and the strategic relevance for AWS members and partners.
  • A practical example on guidance development and added value of good water stewardship in the rubber supply chain.
  • A practical example on water stewardship as part of governmental performance measurement.

This webinar is made possible thanks to a grant from the ISEAL Innovations Fund which is supported by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO.
