Indonesia Water Stewardship Working Group - Co Creating A Pathway to Promote Water Stewardship in Indonesia

09 March 2021

The urgency to bring good water stewardship, as defined by the Alliance for Water Stewardship Standard, to scale in Indonesia requires exploring avenues for uptake within the Indonesian context and to identify those opportunities that lead to better performance and practices on good water stewardship.

To do just that, 16 professionals embarked as members of a multi-stakeholder working group called the Indonesia Water Stewardship Working Group (IWSWG) during the kick-off meeting on Wednesday 3rd March 2021. This is part of the ISEAL Innovations Fund project ‘Boosting sustainability practice and performance at the landscape level through good water stewardship’ led by Yayasan AWS Indonesia on behalf of the Alliance for Water Stewardship.  This diverse group consists of private sector, environmental standards, conformity assessment bodies, Academia, NGOs, and government / semi-government stakeholders.

The IWSWG will be providing expert input for the development of a country-specific AWS Guidance Document and a roadmap towards good water stewardship and AWS Standard uptake in Indonesia. We aim to explore the avenues to take at country level to support AWS members in Indonesia, but also other major water users, managers and decision-makers, to drive water stewardship actions and AWS Standard uptake. The IWSWG will meet on a regular basis in 2021 to co-develop the Guidance and Roadmap, coordinated by Yayasan AWS Indonesia.

My expectation is that we can explore more incentives for major water users to manage and use water resources sustainably.

Mohamad Mova Al'Afghani, Director of Center for Regulation, Policy and Governance (CRPG)

This was confirmed by other IWSWG members:

"I hope the IWSWG can contribute to sustainable water management in Indonesia as we still face many and increasing water challenges

Anindrya Nastiti, lecturer at Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB)

By participating in the IWSWG, I also have the opportunity to expand my knowledge and network in the field of water stewardship in Indonesia

Muhammad Fajar, Auditor PT PCU Indonesia (Control Union)

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