Tackling Wicked Water Problems in Java

09 August 2021

To spark awareness on good practices on water stewardship at site and catchment level, this publication showcases initiatives led by PT Coca-Cola Indonesia, PT Danone Indonesia, PT Multi Bintang Indonesia, PT Nestlé Indonesia and Global Water Partnership Southeast Asia, members of the Indonesia Water Coalition members, we have prepared. The projects focus on the five water stewardship outcomes, as set out in the AWS Standard V2.0.

Indonesia, although being a water-rich country, is seeing increasing water stress. The 2021 World Bank Policy Note Indonesia Vision 2045: Towards Water Security states that the country’s water demand is continuing to increase another 31 percent between 2015 and 2045 under demographic and economic forces . By 2045, 31 out of 128 river basins are expected to face a water supply-demand deficit and almost two thirds (67%) of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) is predicted to be generated in these highly stressed river basins, particularly on Java.

Over abstraction of groundwater has depleted aquifers around key cities and led to widespread subsidence and consequent increased vulnerability to flooding.There is an urgent need to take action on water. Leading private sector are implementing ways to take action to reduce water-related risks, increase business resilience and boost their reputation as good water stewards. However, actions are often still taking place on indivudial basis, are scattered and impacts at scale are lacking. Especially under COVID-19 it is more important than ever to ensure proper access to water as first measure of defence.

The Indonesia Water Coalition established on January 2021 focuses on just that: promoting joint action on water at the catchment level. The Coalition aims to build a movement led by the private sector, with the capacity and commitment to take action on and contribute to the complex water challenges in Java. Its current members are Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara (YKAN)Global Water Partnership Southeast AsiaPT Coca Cola IndonesiaPT Unilever IndonesiaPT LÓreal IndonesiaPT Multi Bintang IndonesiaPT Nestlé IndonesiaPT Danone Indonesia and Yayasan Aliansi Wali Sumber Daya Air Indonesia (AWS Indonesia).

The Indonesia Water Coalition members have a shared objective to actively work towards water security and sustainable management of water resources through collective action in West-Java basins. The Coalition aims to build a movement led by the private sector, with the capacity and commitment to take action on and contribute to the complex water challenges in Java. It aims to create a platform for collaboration and ignite participation of other water users.

Download the Good Practices Booklet.
