Toward Good Water Stewardship Impacts for Water Security and Climate Resilience
To build awareness and capacity for increasing resilience to impacts of climate change, population growth and economic development in water-stressed basins in West-Java, Yayasan AWS Indonesia has invited members of the Indonesia Water Coalition (IWC) to participate in a strategic company support for good water stewardship implementation at site and catchment level. This activity is Yayasan AWS Indonesia on-going support for the Indonesia Water Coalition and a part of the Water Security and Climate Resilience in West Java project which will run until April 2022.
Resulting from a round of Call for Interest to the members of IWC, on September 2021 Danone Indonesia and PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk were selected to participate in the activity. Together with the Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) professionally credentialed consultants from PT Haskoning Indonesia (part of Royal HaskoningDHV), the project will explore practical opportunities to support the companies in improving their water stewardship performance at site and catchment, as well as contributing to the Indonesian Water Coalition’s joint action(s) on water.
Through this activity, Unilever and PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk aim to develop a good water stewardship implementation plan for their sites in Cikarang, West Java. The plan will be geared towards good water stewardship impact creation by addressing the priority risks and opportunities on water, both at site and catchment level. The outcome of this activity will support PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk in continuously making informed decisions on the water stewardship program for their sites in Cikarang and to advance Unilever’s commitment on good water stewardship at global level.
Together with Danone Indonesia, the project intends to develop a good water stewardship strategy for sustainable groundwater in Lido, West Java. The water stewardship strategy will reflect the ongoing commitments and programs on water by Danone Indonesia, as well as the current and potential challenges related to surface and groundwater resources in the catchment. The strategy will look at available and practical opportunities for stakeholder inclusion towards good water stewardship at catchment level.
For more information, please contact Fany Wedahuditama (Mr):
These company assessment activities are supported by Australian Water Partnership.