Water Security and Climate Resilience In West Java

23 July 2021

With support from the Australian Water Partnership, AWS Indonesia will continue to actively support the Indonesia Water Coalition and key stakeholders from government, civil society, and the private sector in West Java. This project aims to build climate and water resilience through capacity building, strategy development, promotion and implementation of the AWS Standard as a framework for joint and credible action on water. This project will run from period July 2021 – July 2022.

The island of Java is facing a deficit in its water balance, with water demand continuing to rise. West Java, the densely populated centre of economic development, is expected to contend with water scarcity and climate change impacts which will affect millions. Many large-scale programs by the Government of Indonesia, international donors, investors, and other key stakeholders have already been focusing for years on the wicked water problems of West Java, and Jakarta in particular.

Driven by the members of Indonesia Water Coalition, momentum has been created to support joint action and contribute to water security in West Java. The Coalition does not aim to present itself as the solution for the vast scale and complex water problems in West Java but aims to build a movement led by larger private sector stakeholders that have the capacity and commitment to take action and contribute positively to these complex challenges through joint action. It will provide the foundation for government and private sector action and collaboration and ignite participation of other larger water users.

The Indonesia Water Coalition is leading efforts to support joint action, promote good water stewardship and contribute to water security at site and catchment level in West Java. The Coalition is a multi-stakeholder partnership comprising of Yayasan Konservasi Alam NusantaraYayasan Aliansi Wali Sumber Daya Air Indonesia (AWS Indonesia)Global Water Partnership Southeast AsiaPT Coca-Cola IndonesiaPT Unilever Indonesia, PT LÓreal IndonesiaPT Multi Bintang IndonesiaPT Nestle Indonesia and PT Danone Indonesia.

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