Indonesia Water Stewardship Working Group (IWSWG)

08 February 2021

Good water stewardship as defined by the Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) Standard provides the opportunity to work towards good water stewardship practices, both at site and catchment level. Good water stewardship is supporting five outcomes, to know Good water governance, Sustainable water balance, Good water quality, Protection of Important Water Related Areas and safe access to WASH. Water governance and multi-stakeholder engagement and collaboration are integral parts of the AWS Standard. Although most sustainability standard schemes focus on site level action, the AWS Standard is already built around the concept of site and catchment level actions.

Due to the awareness that we need to respond to the growing water risks both at site and at catchment level, the AWS Standard is seeing a growing uptake by companies worldwide and until now over 110 sites have been AWS certified worldwide.

There is a need to bring good water stewardship to scale in Indonesia. We need to explore the avenues through which we can better reach that scale, adapted to the Indonesian context and governance landscape. It is therefore our ambition to establish a group of professionals who share the same commitment towards good water management in Indonesia and who can support us on that journey: the Indonesia Water Stewardship Working Group (IWSWG). 


The IWSWG is an informal multi-stakeholder group, consisting of a pool of (water) professionals from government bodies, private sector, academia, CSOs, NGOs that share a common interest to improve water resources management in Indonesia.

You will have the opportunity to contribute your expertise to and gain deeper understanding on good water stewardship, learn about the AWS Standard and Guidance and become part of a group of professionals committed to support good water stewardship in Indonesia. You will be part of a group that will be exploring ways on how to support major water users in Indonesia towards good water stewardship, in support of Indonesia’s development goals. 


Indonesian professionals with:

  • a strong track record of at least 10 years working experience in and knowledge of water and environmental resources management, water governance, water and environmental law, human rights related to water and natural resources, WASH, ecosystems, and environmental (national and international) standards in Indonesia;
  • a drive to support good water management and water stewardship in Indonesia;
  • experience working in sustainable development and preferably with environmental standards;
  • Strong willingness to commit to act as a member of the IWSWG for at least one year and attend 5 meetings and at least 2 interviews per member in 2021.


Keep an eye on our channels for further updates!
